Land Service
With the focus on providing comprehensive solutions that cover all the needs of our customers, we also offer ground transportation service: flexible, reliable and efficient.
FTL “Full Truck Load”: Full truck service for shipments that require maximum transport space.
LTL “Less Truck Load”: Consolidation service for shipments with less cargo.
Projects: Service for shipments that, due to their characteristics in dimensions and weight, require transport with special equipment.

Complementing our offer in maritime logistics, we also transport cargoes by land: through trucks and / or railways, via Argentine and Chilean ports, until reaching the final destination.
In Brazil , we provide full FTL equipment service for the main Brazilian cities, and regular LTL consolidation with São Paulo.
In Chile , we provide full-service FTL equipment for major Chilean cities, and regular LTL consolidation with Santiago.
In Uruguay , we provide full FTL equipment service for major Uruguayan cities, and regular LTL consolidation with Montevideo.